Welcome To
Benicia Insight Meditation
The Benicia Insight Meditation Community
We offer opportunities for participants to learn about Insight Meditation and the traditional texts from which it originated, and to strengthen and deepen their own spiritual practices. New as well as experienced meditators are welcome. See About Us page for more information about meditation and the Sangha.
People of all cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds, racial identities, socio-economic class, sexual orientation, gender, age, education, and abilities are welcome.
We request that you refrain from coming to any of our sangha meetings if you are experiencing cold symptoms. There are elderly and immuno-compromised members for which a cold poses a greater risk for serious infection. Also see our Covid-19 Policies page for up-to-date information.
Insight meditation, also known as Vipassana or Mindfulness meditation, is a practice that can relieve the difficulties we experience as human beings. We are usually in a flow of liking and disliking – desire and aversion – of most if not all of our day-to-day experiences.
Insight Meditation began as a practice taught by Siddhartha Gautama (better known as the Buddha, c. 563 – c. 483 BCE). He taught this and other practices to relieve us of the difficulties of human existence in the whole range of existence – not getting what we want, getting what we don’t want, the impermanence and eventual loss of everything we love. Insight
Meditation helps us gain important experiential insights into those aspects of living that are the basis for all our suffering and dissatisfaction. It usually begins with learning to place and hold attention on the sensations of breathing. With practice, this leads to physical and mental relaxation, increased concentration, inner peace and equanimity. But in the early attempts, a new meditator may be most aware of how busy and shifting their mind is and having trouble relaxing. But, having good instruction and support, and with a desire to reap some of the benefits of meditation, the fruits of practice will come!
For more information and instruction about meditation, feel free to attend one of our regular meetings which feature a visiting teacher’s Dharma talk and guided meditation.
May you be healthy, happy, and at peace.
We invite you to join us for our next meeting on Sunday, January 26th, 4-6 pm at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 120 East J Street, Benicia.
Our teacher, Mei Elliott, will be speaking to us online on the topic of “Concentration.” Many of us begin our practice thinking we need to strain or strive to become concentrated. In this talk, we will explore a more easeful approach to cultivating concentration, through putting supportive conditions in place. There are two particular supportive conditions for concentration that we will discuss: energy and mindfulness. The trio of “energy, mindfulness and concentration” appear in several important lists from the Buddha, each outlining a path to awakening.
For more on Mei, please see her biography:
If you are unable to attend the meeting, you can also view the event via the following Zoom link:
Room will open at 3:45 p.m. No password is required to enter. However, in case you have any trouble, the Meeting ID number is 654-853-7775 and the passcode is 862945.
Note Regarding Online Donations: We are seeing a number of wonderful offerings of financial support that do not specify what amounts go to Sangha and/or to a specific teacher. To allow us to honor your wishes, we kindly request that you enter this info during the donation process if possible.
Dana: Dana, or contributions, go toward supporting our teachers’ lives, as well as meeting overhead, including room rent, insurance, and website hosting. If you are able to make a financial donation, please click on this link:
Additional Information
Peer-Led Discussion Group: Our Peer Led Discussion Group is normally held on the 2nd Sunday of the month. The next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, February 9th at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Parish Hall, 120 E. J St. This is an opportunity to gather free from Zoom, to meditate, study, read, and discuss Dharma teachings and practices, led by a member of our Benicia Insight Meditation group.
Interested in receiving a reminder bulletin? A bulletin is emailed 1-2 Wednesdays per month prior to the Sunday meditation/ dharma talks, to announce both the date and the speaker for that Sunday. Our once monthly Peer Led Sunday meetings are also announced in the bulletin along with Special Events and Classes. Please contact beniciasangha@gmail.com to request your name be added to the mailing list.
Our Facebook page: This page is for people interested in Buddhist meditation to post photos, comments, thoughts and topics for discussion. We invite you to join us at this link:
Copyright © 2022 The Benicia Insight Meditation Community, All rights reserved.